Monday, August 27, 2007

Little Leagues, Major Pressure

I still don't think the Little League World Series should be televised. It obviously places so much pressure on the kids. On the other hand, when it's on, I find it almost impossible to turn off. There is the "Us" vs. "Them" national pride issues (which again puts more pressure on the kids). But I also like watching baseball played full-out the way it's meant to be played even if it's not at the highest skill levels.

And the U.S.A. pulled off the big upset. Although now it doesn't seem to be as a big an upset as it used to be.

Even the win by the Americans was secondary to watching the raw emotions on the faces of both winners and losers. The Japanese kids were extremely gracious in defeat. Shaking hands with and hugging their opponents after the game even as tears rolled down their little faces. That was the true spirit of the game.

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