Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Comics Critically Critiqued

Ever wonder why Nancy was still being carried by the newspaper when it seemed so out of touch with reality not to mention humor? Why has For Better or For Worse become so annoying? And what the heck is a "Foob" anyways? Why does Mark Trail only speak in exclamation points and question marks? What is Funky Winkerbean's obsession with cancer in practically every story arc?

Well, there is a blog for you. The Comics Curmudgeon is a very professional blog dedicated to answering these questions and many others. The site author is very funny with his snarky commentary. But even more entertaining are the outside comment makers. Sometimes there is a trail of 200+ comments.

It can be difficult to follow along as most commenters write in short hand: MW=Mary Worth, GT=Gil Thorpe, DtM=Dennis the Menace, etc. It took me a while to figure all that out. Plus, they frequently comment on comics that I don't read or that aren't carried in the local paper (e.g. Apartment 3G, Archie, They Do It Every Time). But on the whole it's a very clever read.

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